Elizabeth Bockstahler

Elizabeth Bockstahler

Mastectomy Fitter • Patient Advocate


  • Certified Fitter – mastectomy

Elizabeth Bockstahler

Mastectomy Fitter • Patient Advocate

Elizabeth Bockstahler


  • Certified Fitter – mastectomy

Chose O&P Field Because

Helping people has always been a passion of Elizabeth’s and being able to do that as part of her day-to-day duties is a bonus in itself. As a certified fitter of breast prostheses and post-mastectomy devices, she says breast cancer awareness is important to her.


“I think the best part about my job is helping make people feel whole again.”



With five children and a husband to care for, so her free time is somewhat limited. However, she does manage to coach youth cheerleading and enjoys reading and watching her kids play sports.

“If it’s not meant to be, don’t force it. If it’s meant to be, don’t fight it.”